Introducing "FROM INSPIRATION TO IMPACT" — your ultimate roadmap to building a sustainable creative career, authored with passion to transition your dream into reality! The course has been designed by a creative for creatives and is here to help you understand yourself as well as tried and tested business methodologies, reworked in an easy to understand way, with easy implementation techniques adjusted for the creative thinker and doer like you, to lead you closer to reaching your creative goals and ambitions. Let's embark on a transformative journey with MODULE 1. Dive into "Understanding Your Creative Self." Peel back the layers of creative thinking, exposing the benefits and hurdles of both convergent and divergent thinking. You'll learn how to navigate creative challenges and what's been holding you back. But we don't stop there; dive deeper with tests like the Enneagram and SVS personality sense-making to intimately understand your creative identity. Then, MODULE 2: "Planning and Strategy" awaits. Transform your artistry with financial savvy. You'll master budgeting, dodge the financial pitfalls creatives face, and weigh the pros and cons of freelancing versus starting your own company. We reveal the secrets of crackerjack strategy models, partnerships, and the art of marketing with the compelling 7Ps and 4Cs methodology. Plus, we're arming you with special tools all specifically design for the creative thinker: downloadable finance spreadsheets, tax understanding links, and strategy planning sheets. Finally, culminate your learning with MODULE 3. Here's where you fuse knowledge into action, drafting a 1-year business plan! Sharpen your skills in proposal writing, and elevate your pitch to standout.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app